The deteriorating conditions in the Metropolis of Chicago have sunk to such a new low that a new group has emerged in order to advocate the resignation of Metropolitan Iakovos and for the removal of Bishop Demetrios, both of Chicago. A link to the new website launched by this group is set forth below. We respectfully ask all our readers to go to this website and vote to remove the two Greek Orthodox Hierarchs of the Chicago Metropolis. Since we have established the GOTRUTHREFORM.ORG website we have received numerous complaints from around the country about Fundamentalist issues affecting families and our Theology. The problems besetting the Chicago Metropolis are emblematic and highlight the most blatant abuses, as has been documented in these pages. Nowhere in the Archdiocese is there more evidence of sheer incompetence and mismanagement than in the Chicago Metropolis. Here is your chance to vote and make your dissatisfaction known to the leader of our Greek Orthodox Church in America. Please understand that your vote is anonymous. The votes will be tabulated by an independent third party and forwarded to the Archbishop. There is yet another option available on this website, should you wish. You can sign a petition to the Archbishop for the removal of one or both of these Hierarchs. Here is the direct link to that website: