These are by far the greatest in number currently within our Church. They eagerly turn a blind eye to the problems we face. Privately they acknowledge the death spiral of the institution, yet publicly they remain silent. They fear that taking a public position would cause damage to themselves. In the words of a close friend of mine who has left the Greek Orthodox Church; “Most people are cowards”. How people see them is more important than doing what is right. So, they sit there Sunday after Sunday understanding that our Parishes are emptying, yet their egos are so large and controlling that they would rather watch the ship sink than shoulder their duty to repair it.THE PARTISAN
This is the “ruling class” of the Greek Orthodox Church in America. They can be found in every Parish and Ministry. They sit on Councils, Executive Committees and pretend to run organizations. The entire time, all they think about is lining up to “kiss the ring” of leaders they know to be unworthy. In our Church, these are the people who blindly follow the theocracy, it’s leaders and their surrogates. Thus, you have people making statements like “the reason our Priests have bad leadership skills is due to the rank-and-file.” It is literally like blaming the customer for the business failing. Yet this nonsense gets is repeated over and over again. Every time a sane person hears this, it pushes them further from the Church. This kind of absurd rationalization may work with narcissists or partisans, but not with patriots. Church leaders apparently prefer to govern an ever-diminishing remnant of partisans who are devoid of discernment. This, rather than striving for a growing, vibrant and challenging flock of patriots.THE PATRIOT
One by one we have watched patriot after patriot in the Metropolis of Chicago “throw in the towel” and walk away from the Church. The vacuum has been filled by those who look for adoration from those in positions of authority or are so completely self-indulgent that they hear not, see not, care not, and speak not about what is happening to our Church. This is after all the Metropolis that brought its laity the Dokos fiasco. It should not come as a surprise the Metropolis retained an attorney to argue that nothing was wrong, no crime occurred. The inept and inappropriate “spin doctoring” attempted by the hierarchs and supported by their sycophants magnified this debacle. After this failed attempted abuse of their authority over the laity, and shameful attempt to deceive the Court, James Dokos pled guilty to a felony. Even this was not enough to force the Church Hierarchy to come to grips with reality. What was their reaction to the felony? After a year’s sabbatical, they reinstituted the felon and banished the true hero of that sordid tale, sending to internal exile the priest who blew the whistle on the felony. Only when our leadership removes their “partisan glasses” and sees things for what they are, will they understand that the loss of faith in our Church is not caused by the rank-and-file. It is caused only by them. They and their sycophants have led us wittingly or not into a new era in our Church. They have created a cycle of cynicism causing good people to leave. With the exception of the narcissists and partisans, few believe that there is currently any institutional health in the Greek Orthodox Church in America. Many now believe that the “Holy Spirit has left the building”!