A better title for this article perhaps would be “While the Hierarchs Slept”, but we have used that theme so often before we are sure you are tired of hearing it again. Many of our articles have been based upon the personal experience of our Editorial Staff. Sadly this article is based upon the experiences of some of our (that is, our Orthodox brethren’s) daughters. The story begins about 15 years ago, a time when even our Editors were unaware of the goals and methodology of the Ephraimite movement. Like many other members of the Laity, we had no idea of the plan of action and how it was being implemented by the Ephraimites toward their quest for control of the souls of the Orthodox.
It began innocently enough. Our Parish Priest [a non-Ephraim Clergyman, although like many others, naive about the problem] suggested that families with daughters take advantage of a “camp” program at our local Ephraimite Women’s Monastery. So after some thought, three families took his advice and sent their daughters to the camp. At the time, they felt that it would “make our daughters better Greek Orthodox Christians.” But would it? Or was the real intention of those operating the Camp more nefarious? These young girls and their families would soon find out.
Cars were loaded up and the girls were driven to “camp.” Once there they were required to surrender their cell phones. The young girls protested. What 13-year-old wants to give up her phone? But the parents felt that this was a reasonable request. What follows is akin to the analogy used to describe the proverbial frog in a heated pot. The difference between placing a frog in a pot and turning up the heat versus trying to place the frog in a pot of water already at the boiling point is one of kind, not of degree. Under one condition, the frog will slowly and surely perish, while in the other, the frog will do everything in its power to try to save itself.
On day one, the girls met their “camp counselor”, a guiling force that would remain with them during their stay at the camp. Their first thoughts were innocent enough as they were introduced to a real live Presbytera. The Presbytera they met was much younger and more dynamic then the one they all knew from their home Parish.
They thought what an honor. A Presbytera (sometimes spelled “Presvytera”) is a title that is historically one of honor used to describe or refer to a Priest’s wife. And like the frog placed in the pot of tepid water, things began slowly and comfortably. Neither the girls nor their parents knew where this was going. But after a day or two each of the girls, even at their young age, felt that they crossed into a new and different world. This world was one directed to inculcating ideas and attitudes but having an end goal. And additionally, what was really disturbing to them was the methodology used to try to coerce them so they would consider a new path and meaning for their lives.
Would this Presbytera create an environment that examined the individual needs of each girl? Would she introduce or advance concepts that would aid them in their personal development such as spiritual growth, personal independence or critical thinking? No, there was however a strategy in place for the advancement of an agenda. You see, these young impressionable girls soon realized why they were there. Even today they look back on this as a “Future Presbytera Boot Camp”. You see the “King of Ephraim” worshipping clergy in the Metropolis of Chicago sent his wife to implement the foundational components for his vision of Orthodoxy, a vision now shared by a growing number of Clergy and Laity alike. How better to create and keep your army of Ephraimite Priests in line, but to provide “Stepford Wives” for newly ordained Priests. [Editor’s note to those that may not be familiar with the term “Stepford Wives”: This is a reference to a 1975 satirical thriller movie, the wives’ were robots created and programmed to serve their husbands under the greater agenda controlled by the group who had set up this program.]
So at this point you might be asking yourself: What happened to the three girls? After all, they have seen other girls who took part in this “camp” go on to secure the title of Presbytera. Some of these new Presbyteras have striven to harden the fundamentalist leanings of their husbands, others have created new Ephraimite Priests. Regrettably, it appears to be Mission Accomplished, plan executed and Hierarchy none the wiser!
But you say, that does not answer my concerns about the three girls. Don’t worry about these three, they literally jumped out of the pot of boiling water and were rescued by their parents who came and removed them from harm’s way. As for the parent’s original goal of sending them to camp to “make our daughters better Greek Orthodox Christians”, boot camp exposure to rampant fundamentalism had a result totally opposite from that intended by the boot camp operators.
By now you might be asking yourself what is the significance of the title to this article “Honey Traps at Our Seminary” and how does it apply to the boot camp model. First, let’s define the term “Honey Trap” or “Honey Pot”. Both have been used historically to describe the use of, typically, a woman as an easy recruitment tool to get close to a person of interest, and to ultimately obtain information for the movement that sponsors the “Honey Trap”. The use of Honey Traps or Honey Pots has been typically used by Governments or their spy agencies to obtain classified information. A simple web search will give you hundreds of examples. But what ingenuity and innovation to see “camps” using indoctrination tools such as “Love-Bombing” (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_bombing or http://michaelbluejay.com/x/how-cults-recruit.html ) to send our young women into an environment like Hellenic College and Holy Cross Seminary to or lure men to a predestined way of thinking by having the Presbytera candidate marry our future clergy. Over the years we have watched graduates of the “Future Presbytera Boot Camp” go on to marry young impressionable seminarians and slowly influence their new spouses to becoming ardent fundamentalist followers of the “Ephraimite theology”. All the while our Hierarchs and the leadership of the seminaries and schools just slept!
Editor’s note: We strongly suggest that you read “How cults recruit & indoctrinate their members” by Michael Bluejay, ex-member of Aesthetic Realism June 2013. Here again is the link: http://michaelbluejay.com/x/how-cults-recruit.html. The author sets out the steps used by cults in recruiting; many were present in the experience of these young girls. They include the following:
1.Invitation to a non-threatening event (religious retreat camp)
2.Love-bombing (surrounding their intended under age recruits with people who seemingly accept them as they are and provide comfort and sustenance)
3.Dangling “The Prize” in front of you (You too can be a Presbytera)
4.Extracting an agreement from you that you want the prize (Don’t you want to join us?)
5.Shutting down your dissent by threatening to withhold the prize (if you leave, you will lose our support and kindness, and you will never achieve the happiness we have)
6.Establishment of guilt (you will desert what is best in our religion)
7.Carrot/Stick (prize versus ostracism)
8.Control of identity, information, environment (No cell phone, no contact with the outside world including people who the youngsters trust and respect, etc.)
So what is it the point of this article? Are the Editors advocating turning our children away from our religious convictions? Of course not. Is it the desire of the editors to call attention to the ways and means by which the Ephraimites are capturing the hearts and minds of our impressionable youngsters. Yes, that is the point exactly. An adage that is very appropriate is that if something is too good to be true, then it very well may be. We are only advising caution and questioning of the premises of those who stand to gain by the acquiescence and inattention of parents. Examine what is being taught to your children, whether in a religious “camp”, Sunday School, or whenever your children are removed from your presence by priests or people who you would normally have trust in.